Monday, March 30, 2009

Cow's Milk . . . Is For Cows

Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., a nutritional biochemist at Cornell University is convinced that cow's milk is responsible for a share of American's medical problems. Here are a few reasons why:

  • It is unnatural to drink milk. Nature formulates mother's milk for different species. What's good for a calf is not necessarily good for a human baby or an adult human. We are the only species that suckles from another, even if it comes from a milk carton.
  • Dr. Campbell theorizes that cow's milk unnaturally stimulates enzymes and growth hormones that increase the risk of various diseases.
  • Various vegetables and legumes may be a better source of calcium than cow's milk
  • In a series of experimentes at Cornell University and Virginia Tech Dr. Campbell found that it was possible to turn cancer growth off and on by increasing the amount of casein (milk protein) feed to laboratory animals.
  • He found that the threshold amount of casein required to switch on turmor growth averaged about 10 percent of diet; the average American diet is about 17 percent protein.
  • Speaking about milk, Dr. Neal Barnard, head of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has said that, "It would be hard to imagine a worse vehicle for delivering calcium to the human body."
  • Epidemiological research suggests correlation between breast and prostate cancer and milk consumption.

Evidence about the adverse health effects of milk has been around for some time but few are listening. For example,

  • A 1989 study showed that higher breast cancer rates were correlated with the higher milk consumption in Scandinavia and the Netherlands.
  • A 1977 study indicated that for every one man who dies in Asiz (where milk consuption is very low) from prostate cancer ten men die of prostate cancer in Western Europe.
  • The 2000 Harvard University Physicians' Health Study of 20,885 male doctors discovered that those who consumed at least 2 1/2 servings of dairy products per day were 30% more likely to develop prostate cancer than those who consumed less than 1/2 serving.
  • The 1997, 12-year Harvard Nurses' Health Study of 78,000 nurses found that the nurses who drank two or more glasses of milk a day had a slightly higher risk of arm fracture (5%) and a much higher risk of hip fracture (45% higher risk). And you though that milk builds strong bodies . . .

I give all of my wellness coaching clients a copy of the book The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health. If you're not one of my wellness coaching clients then get a copy and read it . . . or become one of my coaching clients and I'll send you a copy. Email me for more information.

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