Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Shamanic Invocation

In answer to a few qustions about whether or not shamanic practitioners pray I wrote down more or less how I begin every day.  My days start with a greeting to Mother Earth and Father Sky, followed by a little tune on one of my Native American Flutes or a short drumming session.  This is followed by an invocation and blessing which is usually something like this:

I call in the spirits to be with me today.  I call first to my ancestors, those who have gone before me; those who lived well and died well.  I call upon those who brought me all that is good and beautiful and true from my ancestral lines.  I call out to these ancestral helping spirits to be with me and to whisper in my ears to guide me, to tell me what to hold on what to let go.  I ask those ancestors to whisper to me in a way that will teach me how to live in this world in a way that will engage me with the true energies that are underneath all that is apparent.  I call out to these ancestors strongly, to gather around me, to help me do what must be done today and everyday.

From that space within myself I reach down into my heart, down through my feet and into Mother Earth, all the way to the heart of the earth at its very core and I give gratitude to the earth for this day.  I give thanks for all that this day holds, no matter what it is, and I give thanks for life.  Mother Earth, thank you for the miracle that brought life to the face of this planet.  I thank you for your capacity for change and for transformation and for the same capacity the I find within myself, for healing and for moving forward in a way that draws upon the wisdom of the past and opens up to the possibilities of the future.  Mother Earth, thank you for home, for place, for belonging, and for groundedness. 

I draw up the energy of Mother Earth so that I may be connected to the wisdom and power of manifestation and know how to be here in form in a good way.  I ask the energy of Mother Earth to help me feel the energy and the interconnectedness of all things and to know my place in that great web of life, to feel myself as part of that oneness, and to know that I am absolutely essential and irrelevant at the same time.   Mother Earth, give me energy to stand in my place today, wherever it is, and to be the best expression of my soul’s true purpose.  I ask you to help me in my efforts today. 

With the energy of the earth drawn up into my body I direct the energy to flow upwards to my heart, my mind, out the top of my head, and all the way up through all the layers of the sky, all the way up to the highest power of the universe, to Father Sky.  I call down the energy of Father Sky into my life, into my body, into this day and into all that I do.  Father Sky bring down all of the wisdom of the cosmos, to bring down protection, to bring in blessing, and generosity and all of the benevolence of the universe to me and to all beings.  I call these energies into my body and feel the moment when the energy of the sky meets the energy of the earth and these two energies begin to dance within being that  brings me into balance. 

With the energy of the Mother Earth and the Father Sky I call out to the energy of my heart to awaken, to be the force in my life for change and transformation.  I call the energy of the belly, the energy of passion to rise to my heart and I call the crystal clear energy of knowledge and discernment of the mind to descend to my heart so that a new, a third energy can be born.  That third energy is my knowledge of why I am here, my connection to my soul’s purpose.  I ask for the courage to reach within myself to bring the purpose out and to use it to guide and direct my life so that I can bring my gifts to the world. 

With these energies called in, the energy of the heart,  the energy of Mother Earth and Father sky and that of my ancestors who are standing around me I ask that this day go forward with blessings for all living things, that what needs to be done is done, that what needs to be said is said, that what needs to be heard in heard, and that I am better able to make my soul’s purpose manifest this day because of it.

Copyright © 2012 David Murphy

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