Thursday, March 7, 2013

Make Your Medicine Bag

I have been writing about Peruvian (Andean) shamanism and you might recall that the shamans carry a bundle of sacred and power objects.  This is common in most, if not all, shamanic traditions.  In many societies shamans carried a medicine bag rather than a bundle (I use both).  A medicine bag has the advantage of being easy to carry, after all its a bag. 

Medicine bags have traditionally be made of leather or woven fabric. If you want to make a medicine bag then select a bag that fits you in terms of size, design, and material. My favorite medicine bag is a small cloth bag that I purchased in Bolivia. This bag contains a rattle, a kinfe for cutting herbs, power stones, rune stones, a bison bone carved to represent an eagle feather and a few other meaninful items.  I also carry tea tree oil and jojoba oil for healing.

Select items for your medicine bag that represent your power to heal and your connection to your spiritual nature.  Once you have identifed the items you want to carry and the items that call to you then set about to collect them.  The items that you carry will change from time to time as you grown on the path.  Before adding items to your bag then bless them; I cleanse my objects with sun light and sage smoke. 

As you carry your medicine bag your awareness of your own sacredness will increase and the bag becomes sacred too. Because my bag is sacred to me I never let anyone else handle it or its contents (in fact I'm a little reluctant to photograph it but I did and you can see it below).  My medicine bag has become a scrap book of my spiritual life and my travels.  Some day I will pass my bag on to one of my sons.

You will note in the second image below that there is a small, leather bag next to the rattle.  That is my miniature medicine bag.  I wear it under my clothes when it would be inappropriate to carry my large bag with me, like we I lecture at the univeristy.

Make your own medicine bag, you will be directed as you meditate on what to carry.  Make it part of you.


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