Friday, March 9, 2012


Dr. Dave, N.D., Ph. D.
The Wellness Coach

Nutrient Report – DHEA

What is DHEA?
DHEA or Dehydroepiandrosterone is a naturally occurring androgenic pro-hormone, similar to Androstenedione. It is produced naturally by the adrenal glands in both men and women and is then converted by the body into male or female hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, based on individual physiology. When we are about 7 years old our bodies begin producing DHEA. Its production peaks between the ages of 20-24 and then begins to declines steadily, at the rate of about 20% per decade, until we eventually bottom out at approximately 10% of peak levels by the time we reach 80 years of age. Most 70 year olds have one-fourth of the DHEA that they had at age 25.

Why is DHEA Important?

DHEA can help support a variety of natural functions like cellular energy formation, fat metabolism and muscle growth. It plays an important role in the aging process and in age-related deterioration. It also has been shown to improve energy levels, endurance, immunity, insulin function, libido, memory, muscle tone, sleep and feelings of general well-being.

DHEA has become a popular nutrient supplement because it may help enhance the body's natural testosterone production. Increased testosterone production can lead to increased libido, increased sense of well being and an increase in metabolism. DHEA supplementation can be important for individuals over 40 than it is for adults in their 20's and 30's because of their naturally lower levels of DHEA.

Those in the 40 and over group aren't the only ones using DHEA. Athletes use DHEA to help ensure that their levels of this natural hormone are at normal levels at all times. This is done to help ensure that testosterone levels are maintained through a natural platform without the use of dangerous drugs like steroids.

What are the Potential Effects of DHEA Supplementation?

A number of studies on DHEA and it's potential benefits have been conducted. In one study that examined the effects of a 50mg daily oral dose in men and women over 50 years of age. Blood tests revealed that the test subject's DHEA levels rose to those of young adults after just two weeks of supplementation. In addition, the study reported that certain aspects of immune system function were upgraded. Test subjects were given 100mg of DHEA at night before going to sleep in a follow-up study that also using mature adults. As was expected, this caused a increase in DHEA levels and in immune function. The most important finding in this study was that the test subjects gained lean body mass (muscle) and found that their strength levels were substantially improved! In addition, the men in the study experienced a significant decrease in body fat over the control group.

Thus it appears that DHEA supplementation may cause:

·         an increase in blood DHEA levels,

·         enhanced immune system function,

·         an increase in muscle mass,

·         an increase in muscle strength, and

·         a decrease in body fat in men.

How Much DHEA Should I Take?

There are no definitive guidelines on how much DHEA to take. Literature suggests that men take from 50-200mg per day. This should be spread out over the day to maintain a constant level in the body. Women tend to respond much more dramatically to DHEA than men so 50mg every other day may be sufficient.

What are the potential side effects?

Caution should always be exercised when taking any supplement. We recommend that you always consult your physician before beginning a supplement program. DHEA is a powerful supplement and so is not recommend for individuals with hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure or prostate hypertrophy. Acne and other androgenic side effects may be experienced by women who use high or prolonged dosage of DHEA.

Information contained in Nutrient Reports, such as this, is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prescribe forms of treatment. The IWI does not distribute or provide medical advice and is not responsible for use or application of information contained in these reports. Issues concerning health should be referred to qualified health professionals.

NOTE:  Please let me know if these are useful . . . if so, I'll post more of them.

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