Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Joy of Quinoa

I spent about five years living and working in Bolivia and Peru and came to love that part of the world and its food.  One of my favorite dishes was and still is Quinoa (you may not find it at your grocery store, but it is easily found in health food stores).  Don't forget to give the seeds a good wash before you cook them.  If you don't then you will likely discover that unwashed Quinoa can be very bitter.

Quinoa Plants
Quinoa Seeds

Quinoa, while called a grain, is really a small seed of the goosewort plant.  It is a relative of spinach and chard.  Unlike leguems, which are not complete proteins, Quinoa is and so it is a great source of protein for vegetarians and vegans.  Quinoa contains all of the essential amino acids and more protein than a medium chicken egg . . . and without the cholesterol.

Quinoa with Vegies -- My Favorite Way to Eat Quinoa
Quinoa is high in both magnesium and riboflavin (B2).  Vitamin B2 promotes cellular energy production high magnesium and riboflavin (B2) content make quinoa an excellent nutritional ally for migraine sufferers.  Riboflavin promotes cellular energy production and helps brain and muscle cell metabolism.  this too provides protection against migarine headaches.

For some ideas on how to cook with Quinoa visit Quinoa Recipes

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