Thursday, February 19, 2015

The World Sleeps

It's cold today, real cold.  It appears that the "Siberian Express" has invaded the East Coast of the United States and has made its way all the way down to Central Virginia.  It was 4 degrees F (-15 degrees C) when I first got out this morning, and it has made its way clear up to 11 degrees (-12 degrees C) which will probably be the high for today.

So what is happening with Pachamama (Mother Earth) and Intitayta (Father Sky)?  Pachamama is deep asleep under a warming blanket of snow and it appears from the sun spot count that Sol, Intitayta, is taking a nap.  While they are both resting and storing energy for Spring this is a good time for us to send our energy and love to them.

I go out every morning to greet nature, even on cold mornings like this, and thank mother earth for her bounty and thank father sky for his warming energy.  I usually pour a libation on mother earth as a way of returning energy and showing thanks to her.  Today I took out a warm cup of herbal tea to pour upon my mother.  Rather that playing a tune for father sky on a flute I sent some aromatic smoke skywards to carry my prayers above.

I urge you to remember Pachamama and Intitayta, to call upon your ancestors and nature spirits. Give them thanks for what they have given us, show them respect and love, and ask your guidance and help.  If you don't have a prayer or aren't use to praying to All then use one of mine . . . modify it and make it your own.

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