Thursday, March 12, 2015


Hi all.  I have been away for a few days and so this is going to be a little more personal than usual. So if you don't like personal blogs then please come back tomorrow and I'll be my usual self again.

Pulling Away

My 86 year-old mother (that sounds a little funny, like I have another mother who is not 86 years old . . . oh well . . .) recently suffered a massive stroke and I flew across the U.S. to spend some time with her. She is not doing very well physically, emotionally or mentally so it was a pretty hard trip.  Our roles reversed while I was there and I was the one feeding the baby food to her.  I suppose in her mind that was especially difficult because, while I don't remember her feeding me, I'm sure that she remembers when she use to spoon baby food into my mouth. The whole experience reminded me how fragile life is and that it is important that we not just enjoy, but cherish and love every second of it.

While sitting with her I entered into my shamanic world and remembered how we are all connected, really connected.  Saying that we are connected is not an empty, happy-talk phrase in shamanism; it means that we are all one and what happens to one happens to all. There are energetic links that connect all of us together into a grand web of life. Some of the strands are thick and pulsate with energy while others are very fine and faint echos travel back and forth, but we are all connected. In fact, think of the structure of your brain.  It is a complex network of neurons that are all connected together with energy flowing from one neuron to another.  We are the neurons in the web of life.

Neural Network - - The Web of Life

Thus connected, I could feel her fear, her sadness, and her frustration.  I looked for her energy field and saw how faint and tenuous it was and I saw how weak and slowly her chakras  were spinning.  I was tempted to stand over her and wind her chakras up so that they would spin faster and draw more energy into her body but rather than acting impulsively I had the respect to ask her spirit first.  The reply was, "No, don't do that, the clock is slowly winding down and I am ready to move on.  She doesn't know that you are here, but I do, and thank you for asking."

The web that connects us is eternal and so I expect that sometime soon I will find her with my spirit guides and wisdom teachers when I visit the upper world.  When I do I will find the energy of the young woman who energetically cared for a small boy, not the energy of the frail shell that was laying upon a hospital bed.  

It is good to be connected and I thank you for connecting with me.  Love life and cherish each other because everyone is you.



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