Thursday, March 5, 2015

Parts Integration

I wrote about doing a soul retrieval for Maggie in my last blog.    The retrieved soul parts need to be integrated back into the client's life force.  This may happen automatically, as it did with Maggie, but sometimes a soul retrieval isn't enough.  In these cases it is helpful to teach the client how to take shamanic journeys on their own so that they can establish a relationship with their own spirit teachers and power animals.  After all, shamanism isn't about giving your power away to a spiritual authority figure, its about self empowerment.  In fact, I'm delighted and feel a great sense of fulfillment when a client tells me, "Thanks Dr. Dave, but I don't need you any more.  I can journey by my self and find what I need on my own."  That's the way that it should be.  That's the result of empowering others.
Spirit Guide and Power Animal
Back to parts integration . . . once an individual learns to journey alone to alternate states of reality they are able to call on their spirit helpers and power animals for guidance and information about how to work with the retrieved soul part to completely heal and finish the soul part integration.

How do you know if a retrieved soul fragment didn't completely integrate after soul retrieval? Here are some of the more common symptoms that my clients frequently experience:

  • You don't feel like anything happened after the soul retrieval. This may mean that either the soul part returned in a highly protected state because of the nature of the trauma that it suffered and which caused its exit, or that you have become highly protected to avoid dealing with the feelings and issues that the soul fragment carries. Journey and ask your spirit guide and power animals what you need to do break down emotional barriers.
  • I feel worse instead of better.  This is actually a good thing because it means that the soul fragment has returned the emotions that were lost or suppressed by the event that caused the soul fragment to leave.  This also means that now you need to deal with those feelings to completely heal.  Your power animals and spirit guide can help you deal with those emotions, to learn from them and become a stronger and more complete person.  
  • Now I don't feel anything . . . I use to feel empty, now I just don't feel.  This probably means that you have a pattern of going numb to avoid feeling strong emotions and that the soul fragment has returned with some very strong emotions.  It also may mean that the soul fragment went numb at the time of its departure to avoid emotional pain and has now returned with the numbness that you feel.  In either case working with your spirit guides and power animals will help you find better ways of working with the emotions.
  • Now I feel like an out of control kid again, I'm feeling too many emotions.  This is actually a good sign.  It means that your soul fragment returned with feelings.  Now you need to learn how to deal with those feelings and to confront the event that caused them in the first place.  Ask your spirit guides and power animals for help and wisdom.
  • My soul part isn't doing anything.  No problem.  Soul parts don't do things, they carry information and emotions.  The work of your conscious mind is to discover their messages and learn from them.  Ask your spirit guides and power animals what message the soul fragment has brought to you.
  • I feel like my soul part doesn't like me.  So?  What did you expect?  Why do you think that it left in the first place?  It was in a place where it didn't feel safe and comfortable and in the fight or flight response it took the flight option.  Now you need to work with it to make if feel welcome, loved and safe.  Listen to it with acceptance and understanding.  Your soul part may have left when you were a child and so it still acts like a child.  You are probably an adult now so work with your soul part as a loving parent would do with a small child.  Ask your power animals and spirit guides what your soul part needs to feel safe and accepted.  It probably wants to be listened to.
Believe in synchronicity, that is, that nothing happens by accident.  One of my power animals is Raven.  On my way into work yesterday I saw a long black feather on the road at the edge of our property.  It looked to be at least 12 inches long.  I drove by, lots to do at the office.  Sometimes I'm a little slow, about two blocks later I realized that Raven had left me a message, it was saying, see, I'm still with you.  I turned the car around, drove back, and picked the feather up off the road.  It's now a gift from Raven that I carry in my medicine bag. If you are open to messages from the other worlds and look for them, you will see them.

Remember that you are in control.  You can learn to journey and your journeys will empower you.  Your spirit guides are really your BFFs.

Live in peace and joy,

Dr. Dave

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