Saturday, January 30, 2010

Herbs for a Healthy Immune System

A 2007 study ( documents the incredible effects of the herb Andrographis Paniculata on the immune system. The study reported the following findings:
  • Andrographis supplementation increases the production of cytotoxic T cells—an immune cell that destroys caner cells.
  • Mice with thymoma—a cancer of the thymus gland (which produces immune cells) live more than twice as long when treated with Andrographis extract for 10 days.
  • Andrographis extract exerted beneficial effects on several cytokines (chemical messengers that direct the immune response), resulting in suppression of tumor growth.
Andrographis paniculata is an herb commonly used in China, India, and other countries in subtropical and Southeast Asia. Both the fresh and dried leaves, as well as the fresh juice of the whole plant, have been used in a variety of cultures. In traditional Chinese herbalism, andrographis is used to support healthy digestive, cardiovascular, and urinary systems. In Sweden, andrographis has been used for more than 10 years as a primary herb for the winter season.
A very similar study ( ) was done using another of my favorite herbs, ashwagandha. The results were similar with a large increase in immune function and a suppression of tumor growth. Ashwagandha is known to many herbalists as the Ayurvedic answer to ginseng, this powerful adaptogenic herb has been used in India for hundreds of years to strengthen the immune system and help normalize body functions affected by stress.

I recommend the use of Andrographis or Ashwangandha anytime you feel signs of flu or cold coming. Look for both at Swanson Vitamins.

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