Thursday, January 21, 2010

Safe Plastic

Ever wonder whether your plastic containers are food safe? The connection between plastic and cancer was discovered at Tufts University in 1987. A research team was culturing breast cancer cells in plastic test tubes and the cancer cells grew like crazy. Since then a number of studies have confimed the plastic-cancer link. So, it really is important to find out if your plastic containers are safe.

To find out, check the number that is usually found on the bottom of the container inside a small triangle. Containers with a 1 or 2 on the bottom are the safest. These containers are usually used to store milk, water, and other drinks. These containers are safe for storing food and water.

Continers with a 4 or 5 on the bottom are generally safe, but use the sparingly. Containers with the number 3, 6 or 7 contain the volatile chemical BPA and should never be used for food or beverage storage.

Finally, I don't like microwaves in general (more about why in another blog) but please, never microwave food or beverages in a plastic container.

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