Monday, February 20, 2012


Yup, you read that right.  This blog is about that dirty little problem called constipation.  For many people today's SAD (standard American diet) is full of processed food with few fresh vegetables and fruits and too much animal protein, dairy products and too much vinegar, pepper, salt and spices.  This results in a diet that is low in fiber and with insufficient fluid intake.  The result can be chronic constipation.

The most common approach to treating constipation is to pop a couple of laxitives in the evening and to hope that everything will come out fine in the morning (pun intended).  This approach of treating the symptom rather than the underlying problem can result in overreliance on laxatives.  The more you take, the more you need . . . and it becomes a vicious circle.  In addition to resuting in overreliance, the constant use of laxatives can damage the body.  In particular the excessive use of stimulant laxatives can damage the nerve endings in the intestines, thus increasing the need for constant laxative use.

What do to?  Here are a few suggestions:
  1. Increase the fiber intake in your diet.  How about a high-fiber breakfast cereal in the morning (I eat mine with fresh orange juice rather than smothered in milk . . . may sound strange but it is yummy) and a fiber drink in the evening.
  2. Reduce your SAD intake and eat more high fiber foods
  3. Drink lots of water.  I suggest that you get a stainless steel water bottle, one that holds at least 500 ml of water, and drain it at least four times a day.
  4. Avoid all stimulant laxatives
  5. Consider homeopathic remedies for the relief of occasional symptoms:
    1. Lycopodium -- usually used when there is flatulence but no need for a bowel movement for a long time
    2. Nux vomica -- for constipation that alternates with diarrhea
    3. Sepia -- when the belly feels full
    4. Opium -- when there is no desire (physical not mental) for a bowel movement
    5. Causticum -- for stich-like pain accompanying a bowel movement
    6. Bryonia -- for large, hard, dry stools with congention in the abdomen causing distension and a burning feeling in the rectum
    7. Alumina -- when there is not desire for a bowel movement until the rectum is full.
While not a pleasant topic, proper elimination of waste from the body is crucial for optimal health.  Eliminating toxins and waste from the body is just as important as providing our bodies with high-quality, nutritious foods.

To your health . . .

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