Sunday, February 19, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Spring is almost here . . . and it really felt like it yesterday.  We went hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains yesterday in 60+ temperatures and, even though today we are under a winter storm advisory and expect to get about 7 inches on snow in the next 24 hours, the weather yesterday got me thinking about Spring cleaning.

There are only two things that we can't control, our genetics and acts of God.  Other than those two, we are all, at least in part, responsible for what happens to us and for our conditions in life.  For example, the body that you live within today is the result of your genetics, potentially some acts of God, and the decisons that you made in the past.  Think back over the past year . . . how often did you make the choice to get some exercise or to eat more fruits and vegies and less fast food?  If you consistently made healthy choices in the past chances are good that you are healthy today. 

The same way, the body that you will have a year from now will be, to a large extent, the product of the decisions that you make today and tomorrow. So, make healthy decisions from today forward to build a healthy body tomorrow.

 The Spring cleaning that I was thinking about yesterday while we hiked along a mountain stream had two parts.  First, to clean the cobwebs out of my mind and to replace some old thoughts and ideas that aren't serving me very well with some new ones.  For example, last night while doing my evening meditation I went back to the phrase, "Every day in every way I am getting stronger and better."

The second part of my spring clean is to do a semi-annual cleanse.  Cleansing is a quick and efficient way to detox the body.  Just like we all like or need an occassional treat (mine is a piece of chcolate once in a while) we also need an occassional detox.  Detoxing is the foundation upon which we can build a stronger and healthier body and one with a better immune system.  Detoxing reduce the toxic load within our bodies.

If you can committ to it, a weekly, 24 hour cleanse is ideal.  However, just to get your started why not try it once?  I expect to be pretty snow-bound today so here is my 24 hour plan.  Give it a try and please, write and let me know how it worked for you if you tired it too:

Upon Waking:  One large glass of warm water with a slice of organic, unwaxed lemon.

Breakfast:  One large glass of hot water with a slice of organic, unwaxed lemon .  Follow this with a cup of ginger tea (one inch of freshly grated ginger and 1 teaspoon of honey in a cup of hot water).

Mid-morning:  One large glass of warm water with a slice of organic, unwaxed lemon.

Lunch:   One large glass of fresh vegi jucie (tomato and celery) and a large cup of ginger tea.

Mid-afternoon:  One large glass of warm water with a slice of organic, unwaxed lemon.

Supper:  Fresh, organic kiwi and pinaple juice (run two kiwi fruits and half a pineapple through your juicer) and guess what . . . another cup of ginger tea.

Evening:  Juice four large oranges and place the OJ in a blender with a small handfull of almonds, blend together and enjoy a glass of orange almond drink.  (Almonds are the only nuts that are not acid forming in the body).

Bedtime:  Drink a warm cup of camomile tea with a teaspoon of organic honey.

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